"The educational program of ISEC fully meets the requirements for librarians", Nelly Hayrapetyan, a graduate of ISEC
March 3, 2023
Nelli Hayrapetyan, a Master’s degree graduate student of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, received a bachelor's degree in Artsakh State University, Faculty of Philology in the specialty "Armenian Language and Literature”. In an interview with us, Nellie told about the admission to ISEC and the opportunities provided by the Center.
-Why did you decide to continue your Master's studies at the Department of "Library and Information Sources" of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA?
-I have been working in the library industry for about fourteen years, where the changes every year make it necessary to create a new model of a librarian. Accordingly, not only the fact of having libraries that meet modern requirements, but also the image of a librarian with a modern mindset is important. That's why I decided to get my Master's degree in "Library and Information Resources" specialty.
My choice stopped especially on ISEC NAS RA for a simple reason: the program fully meets the requirements which librarians face today. The Center provides students with the opportunities to get acquainted with various software tools and technical means, a number of library automation systems, their capabilities, functions, and finally, to master the use of these systems to convert printed material into digital and make them available to the public. This is the demand of the time modern libraries strive for.
-What was your biggest achievement during your study at ISEC NAS RA?
-During my years of study at ISEC, I consider the acquired knowledge, professional communication with the professional teaching staff, as well as a new circle of friends in the educational environment to be a great achievement.
The Master's thesis was very important for me, which one might say, is a complete synthesis of my theoretical knowledge, practical skills, as well as work experience. The paper presented a set of software solutions for digitization of library resources which will allow library specialists to create digitized libraries in various sub-branches based on open source software. This could serve as a guide for library and archive specialists who want to carry out the digitization process of library and archive sources. Thus, I think I have made my contribution to the library industry.
-To what extent your education at ISEC has contributed to your professional growth?
-During my work, I acquired new professional qualities based only on personal experience. The years of studying for my Master's degree contributed to deepening of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and becoming a specialist in accordance with current requirements. It is necessary to look forward and keep on self-educating to be competitive in today's job market.
-What are you currently engaged in?
-All my work activities are related to the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. For many years, I have been engaged in the development, compilation and coordination of the digital model of the library, and currently I work as a scientific secretary of the library.
-In your opinion, what qualities are necessary for success at work?
-The greatest guarantee for success in work is hard work, which enables to master even the most complex requirements or find answers to seemingly intractable problems. Of course, this implies a day-to-day, determined effort. To do this, certain qualities are needed: the ability to listen to a partner, to take his opinion into account, to discover how gaining experience can help you and constantly improve yourself. Tolerance and willingness to help are very important, which enable working in a team.
-As an ISEC graduate student, what would you recommend to other students?
-I would advise students to study with enthusiasm, equip themselves with knowledge, being convinced that the knowledge gained will be definitely applied in the future throughout their entire career.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA