ABioNet and MENVIPRO Continue Collaborating
April 16, 2021
The successful collaboration between ABioNet and MENVIPRO Erasmus+ capacity buildings projects is ongoing: Davit Pipoyan, ISEC lecturer and Head of Informational – Analytical Center for Risk Assessment of Food Chain, CENS, was invited to deliver lectures in the series of training sessions-seminars entitled "Food Safety Challenges in Food Chain" from 26 March to April 5, 2021.
Considering that a new course is being introduced within the framework of MENVPRO project, which includes modern approaches to food defense and risk assessment, the speaker presented the participants the importance of chemical risk assessment, its modern methods and international approaches, as well as he introduced case studies aimed at population risk assessment.
"It is noteworthy that the training contributes to the strengthening the ties between education and production, giving the stakeholders an opportunity to get acquainted with the sectoral challenges in the labor market and the risks jeopardizing public health. In addition, the meeting is also a platform for collaboration between ABioNet and MENVIPRO projects," Gayane Marmaryan, AbioNet Coordinator at ANAU, outlined.
Reminder: within the frameworks of these projects a collaboration agreement has already been signed under which the parties have committed to collaborate through the exchange of knowledge and experience.