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15 Sep

Series of Erasmus+ Lectures on Geological Topics

September 15, 2021

Professor Taniel Danelyan from University of Lille, France will arrive at the Institute of Geological Sciences within the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility. During his visit, Professor is going to hold several lectures-seminars for the students and academic staff of  Geology Department of ISEC. The lectures are also open for public. The schedule is given below:

September 17, 10-12AM (Yerevan time, over zoom).

Applications of Paleontology in Sequence Stratigraphy and Analysis of Sedimentary Record

Zoom link: https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/93671910063?pwd=eGxwVVdvTWdZL0E0NWppZDRqS2pvdz09

ID de réunion : 936 7191 0063,

Code secret: 847840

September 22, 9-12AM (Yerevan time)

Practical Exercise on "Applications of Paleontology in Sequence Stratigraphy and Analysis of Sedimentary Record"

The main hall of seminars of IGS

September 24, 10h30-12AM (Yerevan time, over zoom)

Geobiosphere Interactions in Deep Time


ID de réunion : 923 2429 8380

Code secret : 575248